Dec 12 Informative Meeting Re courthouse software system for Attorneys and Staff

From: "Saginaw County Bar Association scba@PROTECTED [Saginaw County Bar Association]" <allmembers@PROTECTED>
Subject: Dec 12 Informative Meeting Re courthouse software system for Attorneys and Staff
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Date: December 5th 2022

Dear Colleagues:


As many of you know the Saginaw County Courthouse changed over to a new software system in June of 2022. This has been a source of many headaches not only among Courthouse staff, but also for all of us in practice as well as our staffs. I thought I had identified many of the problems with the new system until the issue was raised at a Board meeting. Apparently, I was just seeing issues that were localized to criminal law and that attorneys in other areas of practice were experiencing different issues with the system.


Your Board has proposed having a meeting for attorneys and their staffs to create a list of problems that we are experiencing and potential solutions that may resolve some of these issues. I spoke with Chief Judge Jackson, and he has agreed to take these concerns and issues to the IT department at the Courthouse with hopes of resolving some of these issues. The meeting will take place on Monday, December 12 at 6 p.m. at the Andersen Enrichment Center located at 120 Ezra Rust Dr. in Saginaw.


I think everyone knows the system is not working as it should. So, I am asking that you and your staff begin compiling a list of problems that you are seeing since the new system came online and what ideas you may have to correct the issue. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Thank you.






Joseph M. Albosta


Saginaw County Bar Association




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