Request for Proposal - contract work

From: "Amy Meilink ameilink@PROTECTED [Saginaw County Bar Association]" <allmembers@PROTECTED>
Subject: Request for Proposal - contract work
Date: May 27th 2021


Clean Slate Program (CSP)


April 28, 2021

1. Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! (GLBMW) is one of about 16 Michigan Works!
Agencies in the State of Michigan, and one of about 550 similar agencies nationwide.
Its annual operating budget of approximately $12,000,000.00 varies somewhat from
year-to-year, and is made up of 20 to 30 separate federal and state grants. With a
program staff of approximately 90 employed by two major contracted service providers,
it operates five Michigan Works! Service Centers in Gratiot, Isabella, Saginaw, Midland
and Bay Counties. There are also three youth services providers. In general, Great
Lakes Bay Michigan Works! provides services to our business customers by reducing
the time it takes for them to fill job openings with qualified candidates, by coordinating
workforce development programs in the area, and by helping the local labor force
improve skills required by businesses.

2. Objective: To procure an attorney with experience in criminal law to consult program
applicants who apply to have eligible convictions set aside through the state of
Michigan’s Clean Slate Program (CSP).

3. To coordinate with, and in support of, the recently enacted Clean Slate laws in
Michigan, the Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! (GLBMW) is implementing the CSP to
assist Returning Citizens in expunging eligible convictions from their criminal record to
aid them in their pursuit of full-time, self-sufficient employment. This pilot will also
expand the pool of potential employees to employers that are restricted on who they
can hire based on criminal record.

1. To review a program applicants signed expungement application and court records to
confirm eligibility for the CSP.

2. Attend court hearing where the conviction occurred.

3. If needed, meet with program applicant for further application review.
Note: The list contains tasks that are typically associated with this project. It is not all-inclusive.


1. Although it is not known how many CSP applicants may submit an application or how
many applications may be eligible for review, GLBMW has authority from the state of
Michigan to spend its allocated CSP funding through June 30, 2022.

2. Do not submit proposals in notebooks or binders. Faxed proposals are not
acceptable and shall not be considered. Proposal narratives are limited to the
number of pages called for by the specific narrative and budget items (below).
Proposals must be typed using Microsoft Word with 12 point font or larger. Pages in
excess of the applicable limit may not be considered.

3. Bidders are required to follow the format specified in the Proposal Instructions
section of this RFP. Failure to complete any requested information may result in
disqualification of the bid.

1. Send or deliver your proposal to:
Ray Ogden
Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works
1409 Washington
Midland MI 48640

2. In order to be considered, your proposal must be received by 5:00 p.m. on May 12,
2021, and must be signed by a person with authority to bind your organization in
contract. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be eligible for funding. Your proposal
must be no more than 10 single-sided pages in total.

3. It is important that your proposal be mailed or hand delivered in an envelope clearly
marked in the lower left hand corner “Clean Slate Consultant”. Failure to do so
may result in premature disclosure of your proposal

4. Bidders must submit an original and two (2) copies of their proposals (i.e. a total of
three). In addition, bidders must submit a flash drive containing a Microsoft Word
version of the proposal. GLBMW will retain ownership of all documents, flash drives,
and information submitted in the course of bidding.

5. A proposal consists of the Required Proposal Documents set forth below. Failure to
fully complete and submit all required information may be cause for disqualification of
the proposal.

A proposal in response to this RFP must include the following items. The proposal should
repeat the point below, and then follow it with the requested information in response to that
point. Failure to use that format may cause the proposal to loose points in the scoring process.

1. Describe the proposing bidder’s general experience and history as an organization (Up
to one page maximum).

2. Describe the proposing bidder’s specific experience as a criminal attorney and
specifically in providing consulting services to help remove convictions from the records
of returning citizens. (Up to six pages maximum including references).

3. Provide a narrative response listing the name(s), job title(s), experience and
qualifications of the person(s) who will be assigned to work on this project as the
Consultant (Up to two pages maximum).

4. A proposed hourly fee structure and detailed overall project budget (One Page).

5. Total bid document size must not exceed 10 pages. Any pages in excess of 10 may be
discarded and not considered by GLBMW.

6. The winning bidder’s contract amount, fee structures, and/or budgets shall be
Proposals will be scored according to the following criteria:
· 20% based on Item 1 of the Proposal Instructions
· 30% based on item 2 of the Proposal Instructions
· 20% based on Item 3 of the Proposal Instructions
· 30% based on item 4 of the Proposal Instructions

1. This RFP does not commit Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! (GLBMW) to award a
contract, to pay any cost incurred in the preparation of a proposal, or to enter into
negotiations. GLBMW has the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or part of any
or all proposals, or to cancel this RFP in whole or in part. GLBMW has the right to
require additional information from one or more bidders, to negotiate with one or more
bidders, and/or to accept any proposal or proposals without negotiations. GLBMW has
the right, at its sole discretion, to waive minor discrepancies in proposals and minor
deviations from RFP requirements. The successful bidder(s), if any, shall be selected
based on GLBMW sole discretion in its determination of best value in terms of services
provided, qualifications, and cost.

2. The need for additional related services may become apparent during the period
covered by this RFP. In that event, GLBMW reserves the right to review and award the
contract for those services based on this RFP process provided the proposals submitted
encompass the type of services needed. In its discretion, SMBMW may also determine
that another RFP should be issued regarding the additional services.

3. Any bidder that attempts to exchange information with any potential bidder for the
purpose of gaining competitive advantage, or who attempts to discuss its proposal with
or offer anything of value to any of GLBMW officers, directors, staff, agents or
representatives during this procurement process, shall be subject to disqualification and
possible criminal prosecution.

4. This provision does not prohibit potential bidders from seeking and joining with
subcontractors or partners in making the proposal. All partners and subcontractors must
be clearly identified in the proposal. Likewise, this provision does not prohibit
communication between GLBMW and any bidder that is determined by GLBMW to be
necessary as part of the procurement process.

5. GLBMW operates an equal opportunity procurement process. Upon request, GLBMW
shall make this RFP available in large print or alternative format to individuals with
disabilities. Proposals from minority and female owned organizations are encouraged.

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